How to Manage Payment Methods

You can add, update and delete saved payment methods in My Account > Payment Methods and update the saved payment method you would like to use to pay for your Scheduled Orders in My Account > Scheduled Orders. 

In this guide, we will cover how you can manage your saved payment methods


Updating Payment Methods in Scheduled Orders

A. Updating an Individual Scheduled Order with a Different Saved Payment Method

You can update your payment method for a Scheduled Order by selecting “Edit Payment Method” in My Account > Scheduled Orders. All saved payment methods from My Account > Payment Methods will be listed in the “Payment Method” drop-down menu.


B. Updating the Payment Method for all Scheduled Orders

You can update the payment method for all of your Scheduled Orders at once by selecting the “cycle” icon displayed next to the saved payment method in  My Account > Payment Methods. This cycle icon applies the payment method to all existing Scheduled Orders.


C. Adding a New Payment Method 

You can add a new payment method in My Account > Payment Methods. 

When a new payment method is added, you can select the action to “Update” Scheduled Orders with the new payment method from the notice that appears when a new payment method is added.

Once a new payment method is added, you can quickly update all Scheduled Orders as outlined in section B. You can update an individual Scheduled Order to use the new payment method as outlined in section A. 


D. Updating an Existing Payment Method 

Any changes that need to be made to existing payment methods require adding a new payment method to ensure that the payment method is updated correctly for all future charges. See common updates that need to be made below.


E. Updating the Expiration Date for an Existing Payment Method 

If the expiration date has expired, you will need to remove the existing saved payment method and add a new one. Even if the credit card information is otherwise the same. See below for a step-by-step guide to making this change. 

1) Delete the existing payment methods (where the card is expired). 

2) Select “Add new payment method”. (See section C)

3) Add the card again with the updated expiration date. 

4) Once saved, there will be an option to apply this payment method to existing Scheduled Orders. Select this option to update Scheduled Orders and the saved payment methods used for them.


F. Updating a Billing Address for an Existing Payment Method 

If the billing address for an existing saved payment method has been updated in the issuing bank, a customer will need to follow the steps outlined in this document.