Phoenicia Essence

Editing Scheduled Orders

Common reasons you may need to edit or manage a Scheduled Order are outlined below:


A. Updating the Next Occurrence Date 

By selecting “Edit Schedule” in My Account > Scheduled Orders (shares the “Cancel Edit Schedule” in the image below), a customer can update the Next Occurrence Date (when the Scheduled Order will process next) for an individual Scheduled Order. 


B. Changing the Scheduled Order Frequency

By selecting “Edit Schedule” in  My Account > Scheduled Orders, a customer can update the frequency (cadence) of their Scheduled Order processes on. For example, they can update the frequency from “Every 1 Month” to “Every 3 Months”.

Changing the frequency will not automatically update the Next Occurrence Date for an individual Scheduled Order, it will only affect subsequent Next Occurrence Dates. If a customer also wants to update the Next Occurrence Date, they can do so as outlined in section A. 


C. Changing the Scheduled Order Status  #

Customers are able to Pause, Resume (Activate), and Delete Scheduled Orders from My Account > Scheduled Orders. 

If your Scheduled Order has failed to process, then selecting “Resume” will continue processing the Scheduled Order at the point it failed. For example, if the Scheduled Order fails due to a payment error, then resuming will retry the payment. Customers can alternatively update the Next Occurrence Date to a future date and then “Resume”.

Learn more about managing failed Scheduled Orders here.


D. Adding or Removing Products

You can add, remove, or change the number of products in your Scheduled Orders in My Account > Scheduled Orders as shown below. 

Pro-tip! Make sure to select “Update Items” after making any changes to products. If this is not selected then changes to item quantities will not be saved. 


E. Editing Shipping Addresses 

You can manage your shipping addresses for an individual Scheduled Order in My Account > Scheduled Orders. You can also update shipping addresses for all Scheduled Orders in My Account > Addresses. 


F. Updating Billing Addresses

You can edit your billing address in My Account > Addresses. However, if you need to update your billing address for your saved payment method then they will also need to complete additional steps. 

For detailed steps on how to update your default billing address, see our help doc here: How Can I Update Billing Addresses?


G. Updating Payment Methods 

Your customer can update their payment method for a Scheduled Order by selecting “Edit Payment Method” in My Account > Scheduled Orders. All saved payment methods from My Account > Payment Methods will be listed in this drop-down. 

If your customer needs to add a new payment method or update their existing payment method, this doc outlines how to do so: How to update your payment methods.

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